Thursday, 26 April 2012


Meet Alpha the Legendary Dragon who is Immortal inside the Human host Kevin. He's Blue and flies like Spitfire and falls in love with other beings. Here on this post are the artwork of Alpha enjoy viewing my work!

My Comparsion Meme

 Alpha's Muscle Chest with six packs (Prototype)
An upshot of Macro Alpha.

Alpha himself

Super Strong Alpha

Alpha as a Saiyan Elite

Alpha Wearing Saiyan Armour

Alpha Dragon

"Ready For Battle"

Alpha's Macro Foot


Who is SR71ALPHA? SR71ALPHA is not just a name for a person but my username for the site. SR-71 is the name from my most favourite aircraft the Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird but for the username I just put in SIERRA ROMEO 71. Alpha is known as the leader of a special recon squadron of Blackbirds and known as the Immortal creature the Alpha Dragon.

Human Name: KEVIN
Information About Kevin:
Royal Air Force's best fighter pilot, crashed landed in a Electric Lightning after shooting down an North Korean Mig-15, lost power by flying over an huge EMP Zone. Hero to his squadron also was given the rank of Captain and was transfered to a special Recon squadron. 5 weeks later was posted to a secret base in the somwhere in the Midway Islands.

Dragon Name: ALPHA
Information About Alpha:
Created as a curse from the forbidden temple of China, that choses to take a human form to enter this world. Alpha is one of the Immortal Dragons to survive and lives in this world hidding inside a human host. Alpha eats and drinks like any other animal and humans but in his spare time he goes to the GYM to save his stengths and stays strong for any fight to protect.

The image below is a sign, logo or icon for my username that shows my symbol of my user page.
 This is my old icon but still it is used on the hull of my aircraft.

This logo is my newest to show that both being working together as one. The Pilot of the SR-71 Blackbird and the Legendary Alpha Dragon.

Also I have another Icon or Crest that represents a Secret Squadron known as SR71ABCD. The ABC and D are the Pilots who flies the newest modifed reconnaissance aircraft on a large military facility somewhere in the Midway islands. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta are the most advanced and highly trained pilots to fly the modern to the new era of aviation.

SR-71 Squadron Patch

This logo is my Youtube Icon -

My Fan Artwork of Kazecat's Characters

Julian is a male hippo who loves being gay, showing his huge rump and belly infront of views. This Character was created by Kazecat who loves wrestling and other fat stuff. I'm a fan of his drawings and artwork but Julian is one of my favourites please check here for his Blog. Blog FurAffinity

Not of all Julian is my only favourite character of Kazecat not just him there's more!

This is Julian a sexy large, gay male hippopotamus who loves to play with other males.
Cynthia is a large sexy, female hippopoamus heavy also a dancer based from Walt Disney's Fantasia.
Bertha is a huge purple hippopotamus with a very large body to squash, squeeze and flatten objects. She's female but this characer was created first by Kazecat.
Taressa is another purple hippopotamus also an angel of mercy(nurse) who carse for her wounded.
Barda one of Kazecat's heavy Hippos, who goes out for dates with guys who loves heavy female mammals.
Adisa a female wrestler fights for entertainment. Hippo's always wins!!

On My Blog will contains Mature Atwork of Julian and the other Characters of Kazecat more like Fan Artwork. The images below are from Kazecat's scraps and with premission I tried to colour in Bertha's original colours on Photoshop.

Still the drawing were done by Kazecat himself but I wanted to see what Betha would look like in my photoshop colour skills. Then I started to draw my own version of the Kazecat's Characters in pencil.

In What Postion?
Julian and myself(Alpha Dragon) about to play rough. Gillpanda and Lesang spying around the coner watching the fun.

Car Crushing
Julian having some personal fun crushing his old car with no Insurence and Tax. As you can see his huge hippo cock went through the front window of his car then later squashing front bonnet with his huge ass.

New Toy!
Julian brought a New Car to play with.

Thoughout the pencil work I've done to impress Kazecat and show him new ideas for his creative artwork, I've did some other cool artwork on photoshop.

Julian Crush
This is the best image I've ever done and the most perfect ass of Gay Hippo crushing a Classic Mini Cooper ontop. Even the one done is sketch was just idea but I coloured it in by using Photoshop CS4.

"Poor mini Oh well they're used for fun!"

Julian's Dat Ass
Note I have tried other ways to create Julian's massive hippo butt is different ways even this one is like an Upshot.

Julian's butt is the most attractive part of his body even when he's showing off, laying down or playing with it. This is the Dat Ass version of Julian's hippo butt with the lipstick on his right cheeks, stainding to get a upshot view whoever's taking it.

The colour version took me all day to do on Photoshop with workings on the Colours of Julian and his shades or shadows. Julian however has a new white shirt with the I U on the chest also he lifting it up showing his relaxed belly overflowing his view.

Cynthia however is one of my 2nd favourites because she's got a lovely coloured bottom and belly in art. Most of my fan artwork of Cynthia also belongs to Vengefuldragon another user who love Cynthia and also created her character in a series called Cynthia and Lucky. So take a good look of the artwork I've created of Cynthia over the past seval days. BUT I must warn you this artwork contains adult texture.

Here's Cynthia with her full hippo butt wearing Pink nicks and Black Long boots. She is here to you you all her massive hippo ass.

This took four hours is colour Cynthia's beautiful body on photoshop.